Arden Little League Local Rules and Regulations
The objective of Arden Little League shall be to implant firmly in the children of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well-adjusted, stronger, and happier children and will grow to be good, decent, healthy, and trustworthy citizens.
To achieve this objective, Arden Little League will provide a supervised program under the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball, Incorporated ("Little League Baseball"). All Directors, Officers and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and the molding of future citizens is of prime importance.
The Official Regulations and Playing Rules and the Little League Baseball Operating Manual, as published by Little League Baseball, shall be binding on Arden Little League.
This document sets forth the local rules and regulations for Arden Little League, which are meant to augment and complement the Official Regulations and Playing Rules and the Little League Baseball Operating Manual published by Little League Baseball. It is the intent of Arden Little League to follow the rules and regulations of Little League Baseball. In the event of any inconsistency between the local rules and regulations of Arden Little League and the rules and regulations of Little League Baseball, the rules and regulations of Little League Baseball control.
Please read and familiarize yourself with the local rules and regulations of Arden Little League, below, and the rules and regulations of Little League Baseball.
1.00 Organization
1.01 Divisions
Each player shall be assigned to a division based on the player’s league age as defined by Little League Baseball. The divisions and assignments shall be as follows:
- Tee Ball – 5-year-olds and 6-year olds;
- Farm – 7-year-olds and 8-year-olds;
- Minors – 9-year-olds and 10-year-olds;
- Majors – 11-year-olds and 12-year-olds;
- Intermediate 50/70 – 13-year-olds;
- Juniors – 13-year-olds and 14-year-olds; and
- Seniors – 15-year-olds and 16-year-olds (No teams currently offered in this division.)
Arden Little League (herein also "the league") may also sponsor a Big League Division for 17-year-olds and 18-year-olds.
Notwithstanding the above provisions, 12-year-olds may play in Intermediate 50/70 based on ability and level of experience.
Notwithstanding the above provisions, 10-year-olds may play in Majors based on ability and level of experience.
Notwithstanding the above provisions, 8-year-olds may play in Minors based on ability and level of experience. An 8-year old may only request to "play up" into Minors if they have already played two years in the Farm Division or the equivalent.
Notwithstanding the above provisions, 6-year olds may play in Farm based on ability and level of experience. A 6-year old may only request to "play up" into Farm if they have already played two years in the Tee Ball Division or the equivalent.
In addition, 9-year-olds may play in Farm and 11-year-olds may play in Minors depending on their ability and level of experience.
Any request to play up or down from a player's assigned league age group in accordance with these provisions must be made at sign-ups.
The league reserves the right to deny any request to play outside of a player’s assigned league age group.
These players will be required to participate in at least one tryout session for both their assigned league age division as well the division they are seeking to either "play up" or "play down" in.
Based upon the evaluations of Managers and Coaches at tryouts of a player’s ability and level of experience and subject to league approval, any such request will either be granted or denied. For players seeking to “play up”, the player’s evaluation must garner a composite rating that places the player in the top 40 percent of the players eligible in the division the player seeks to “play up” into. Once such determination is made it will be final and binding for the entire season.
The division in which a player plays has no effect on the player’s "age" under the rules and regulations of Little League Baseball (e.g., a 10-year-old "playing up" in Majors is still governed by the pitch restrictions for 10-year-olds).
Players who are the children of Managers or Coaches and are requesting to either "play up" or "play down" shall be subject to the same rules and restrictions governing such requests.
1.02 Try-outs
Each player (excluding Tee Ball and Senior divisions), including those whose parent will manage or coach a team, must participate in at least one tryout prior to the player draft. Exceptions must be approved by the Board of Directors ("the Board").
1.03 Selection of Managers and Coaches
During the annual sign-up of players, an adult may, by completing the form presented by the league, express his or her interest in managing or coaching a team in a specific division. The adult will also be allowed to express (1) his or her preference to be a manager instead of a coach (or vice-versa); and (2) the person with whom he or she prefers to manage or coach. There is no assurance the league will comply with any preference noted.
A Managers and Coaches Selection Committee shall consist of the Player Agent, as chair, and each of the Division Directors. At least five (5) days prior to try-outs, the Committee shall recommend to the President which persons should be appointed as manager and coach of each team.
At least two (2) days prior to try-outs, the President shall appoint the manager and coach of each team at a Board meeting, subject to approval by the Board (except in Farm and Tee Ball, where two coaches shall be appointed). The President’s appointments may include all, any, or none of the persons recommended by the Committee. Irrespective of whom the President appoints at such meeting, there is no notice requirement or right to address the Board before final appointment and approval of managers and coaches.
The President or applicable Division Director shall notify each manager and coach selected of his or her selection before try-outs.
After the draft of players, each manager in a division may nominate an additional coach or additional coaches for his or her team, the appointment of whom shall be subject to the President’s appointment and Board’s approval. There will be no limit on the number of additional coaches, but the number of managers and coaches in the dugout and on the field during a game shall be governed by the most current Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball.
No person can manage or coach in the league without the President appointing the person and the Board approving such appointment. No person may manage in more than one division.
Note: As appropriate, the Board may by a two-thirds vote discipline, suspend, or remove a manager or coach of the league.
Without exception, all managers and coaches shall be charged with knowledge of, and shall operate consistently with, the most current Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball.
1.04 Annual Re-Draft
The appropriate round for managers’ and coaches’ children shall be determined as follows:
(1) In the Minors and Majors divisions, each manager and coach attending both tryout sessions of the division shall rank each player who tried out in a manner to be determined by the division director. Each such manager and coach will submit his or her rankings to the division director - individual manager/coach rankings shall be made available to all managers and coaches of that division (but NOT shared with players or anyone else). The division director will average the rankings received and compile a top-to-bottom ranking list of all the players. The division director will use the ranking of each manager’s or coach’s child to determine such player’s ranking for draft purposes and then "slot" each such player to be drafted in the appropriate round (e.g., if the division has eight teams, and a coach’s child is ranked 7th among all players, he or she will be slotted to be drafted in the first round). If a tie in rankings leaves it unclear in which round a player or players should be slotted, the division director shall have discretion to rank the players with tied rankings to allow for slotting. The division director has discretion to disregard entirely any ranking received from a manager or coach which appears unreasonably high or low. Requesting a change in draft order or any other lobbying for player positioning at any point when the draft order is being determined by the Division Director is strictly prohibited. Division Directors shall disregard requests or other overtures from managers or coaches when deciding the final draft order, and in the event of repeated requests or other inappropriate actions by managers or coaches, the Division Director shall report said actions to the Board.
(2) In the Farm division, there is no annual re-draft. Instead, half of the team will be selected by the manager (aided by assistant coaches if the manager so desires) and the remaining half will be selected by the Registrar, Farm Division Director, Vice President, and/or President. The number of positions per team shall be determined by the Farm Division Director and, in the event of an uneven number of positions, the team manager shall select the additional player (e.g., if teams are comprised of 11 players as determined by the Farm Division Director, the team manager shall select 6 players and the Board members shall select 5 players).
(3) In the Minors or Majors division, the division director shall disregard entirely the rankings submitted by a manager or coach who does not rank each player who tried out.
(4) In the Farm, Minors, or Majors division, if a manager’s or coach’s child does not try out, the division director shall place the child in the division’s rankings at a place the division director believes is appropriate.
Siblings of any player drafted who plays in that same division will be placed on the same team in the appropriate round unless otherwise requested by the parents. The appropriate round for siblings to be drafted shall be determined in the same manner used in connection with the children of managers and coaches, discussed above, for the division in which the siblings are playing.
No team may be represented at the draft by more than two people.
The maximum number of players to be selected per team shall not exceed 14 players.
In the Intermediate division, in the event the number of players in the draft exceeds the maximum number of players per team, preference will be given to 13-year-old players. The division director has the discretion to lower the maximum number of players per team based on the number of players to be drafted if doing so results in balanced teams. The division director shall have the right to deny a play-up request regardless of experience or ability if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the league based upon team sizes and availability. The division director shall notify a 12-year-old player no later than two days prior to the draft, if it is determined their play-up request will be denied. Those 12-year-old players who received notification that their play-up request has been denied will retain their right to be drafted in the Major division.
No player shall be allowed to play for more than one team or in more than one division.
(5) Player trades (voluntary trading period): voluntary player trades are permitted for each division on draft night immediately following that division’s draft. Any and all voluntary trades must be made no later than 30 minutes following the draft and trades must be submitted in writing to the Registrar. No trades are permitted after this period except where there are extenuating circumstances. In the event that trades are necessary after the voluntary trading period, such trades will be conducted by the Division Director and the President alone.
1.05 Replacement Players
All player transfers will be the responsibility of the Player Agent, the Division Director, and the league President. If a team loses a player either temporarily or permanently, within seven (7) days after the Player Agent and the manager determine that the player should be replaced, the manager of that team may request that the Player Agent, the Division Director, and the league President select the replacement player. In the case of a permanent replacement, the player selected will thereafter be a permanent member of the team to which the player is assigned. The replacement player shall be of the same Little League Baseball age as the player who has left the team, if at all possible. The Player Agent, the Division Director and the league President shall take into consideration post-season eligibility as well as the adverse effects to the team from which the replacement player will be selected. Neither the regular player who has been replaced on a permanent basis, nor the player who replaces such a player, may thereafter rejoin his or her previous team.
1.06 Player PoolPursuant to Regulation V(c) of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball, the league will create and run a Player Pool for the Intermediate, Major and Minor divisions.
As a supplement to the foregoing provisions, the following rules shall apply to the Player Pool:
(1) The list of players in the Player Pool shall be maintained by the Player Agent and kept confidential;
(2) The Player Agent shall be the person to directly contact a Player Pool player with an offer to play; and
(3) While a Player Pool player shall remain in the batting order of the team on which he or she is playing throughout the game, the player must bat last in the team’s order and cannot play more defensive innings than any player on the team’s regular roster.
(4) Pool players are provided so that a team can roster a full squad when absences occur. A Pool Player is not intended to provide a team with an advantage or used for gamesmanship. Therefore, a Pool Player is only permitted to play outfield positions and must bat last in the batting order.
(5) A maximum of TWO (2) pool players can be requested by any team for any individual game and only to reach the minimum number of players required to start the game (9 in Minors/Majors, 10 in 50/70 and above). If enough players are not available to start the game, the game will be forfeit by the team with an insufficient number of players unless both managers agree to reschedule the game.
(6) 12-year-old players in the Major division and 13-year-old players in the Junior division are eligible to participate in the Intermediate division as a Pool Player.
2.00 Field Guidelines
2.01 Hitting the Fences
Hitting a baseball into chain link screens at any time, including during practice, such as by "soft toss" or off a batting tee, is prohibited except with plastic balls.
2.02 Food in the Dugout
Sports drinks and water are allowed in the dugout, and clean-up is the responsibility of the manager and coaches of that team. Players may have snacks in the dugout, but clean-up is the responsibility of the manager and coaches of that team. The drinks and food will be such that they do not create a distraction to the players on the team.
2.03 Field Preparation
- In Tee Ball, Farm, Minor and Major Divisions, the home team is responsible for preparing the field for play. The infield shall be dragged and watered-down, foul lines and batter’s boxes chalked, and bases put in place. Field preparation must be completed at least thirty (30) minutes before the game’s scheduled start.
- In Tee Ball, Farm, Minor and Major Divisions, after the game, the visiting team is responsible for removing and storing the bases, raking the pitcher’s mound and home plate area, and dragging and watering down the infield. Indentations made by the catchers and batters must be smoothed out to remove low spots.
- In Intermediate, Junior and Senior Divisions, the home team is responsible for both the pre-game and post-game field preparation and maintenance described above.
2.04 Dugouts
The home team shall sit in the third base dugout, and the visiting team shall sit in the first base dugout.
2.05 Pre-Game Infield/Outfield Practice
Each team may take no more than ten (10) minutes of infield/outfield practice before the game. The home team shall have access to the field first and must leave the field at least twenty (20) minutes before the game is scheduled to start. The visiting team must end its practice at least ten (10) minutes before the game is scheduled to start.
For weekend games, where a prior game reduces available pre-game practice time, the teams shall divide equally the available time. In such a case, both teams must complete pre-game practice at least ten (10) minutes before the scheduled start time for the game, even if this means no pre-game practice is taken. In such cases, teams may utilize open areas of the ballpark to warm up.
2.06 Batting Cage Guidelines
The batting cages are an extension of the field, and therefore any team with a league-scheduled practice on the fields has priority in using the cages. One and one-half (1 ½) hours prior to games, the teams scheduled to play have priority in using the cages and must split the time equally. A team may only have priority as to one cage at a time. At all times, the cages must be shared equitably by all teams with priority in using them.
If there is no priority as established by the foregoing guidelines, use of cages will be on a "first come, first served" basis, though the league encourages fair play in sharing cages.
2.07 Practice Time
Use of the fields for practice time is at the discretion of the Division Directors and should be shared equally among all teams. No practice may occur on a field within one (1) hour of a scheduled game (except the practice of teams playing in such game), so the field may be prepared according to league rules. Each teams practicing is responsible for maintaining and preparing the field so it is properly ready for the next practice or game.
3.00 Player Participation
3.01 Uniforms
Each player must wear a complete uniform, including a hat, jersey, socks, and baseball pants (baseball pants are optional in Tee Ball). Players may wear long-sleeved undershirts, but all players on a team must wear the same color sleeves. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
3.02 Remaining in the Dugout
Other than to go to the restroom or warm up pitchers entering the game, all players must remain in the dugout when not otherwise engaged in play on the field. Players may not confer with scorekeepers during the game.
3.03 Protective Gear
When warming up a pitcher, a player must wear a mask. When coaching the bases, a player must wear a protective helmet.
3.04 Attendance
All players are responsible for attending all scheduled practices and games unless excused by the manager or coach. Failure to attend may result in a player being benched for the next game, provided the manager complies with Rule 3:06, below. Absence for traditional religious services is excused.
3.05 Discipline
A player may be benched for one game for disciplinary reasons at the request of the manager, provided the manager complies with Rule 3:06, below.
3.06 Approval to Bench a Player
Benching a player is a remedy used only in extreme cases. The intent of Little League Baseball is to share playing opportunities and build citizenship, courage, and character. A manager must show clearly and convincingly that the remedy to bench a player is appropriate under the circumstances.
If the need to bench a player for disciplinary or nonattendance reasons arises before the day of the game, the manager must obtain approval of a committee consisting of the President, Division Director and the Player Agent, or their designee. The parent of the player under consideration for benching for disciplinary or nonattendance reasons must be notified, if at all possible, and given an opportunity to appear at any meeting where the manager’s request is being considered.
If the need to bench a player arises during or immediately prior to a game, when there is insufficient time to convene such a committee, and a manager believes such disciplinary action is warranted, then the manager may bench the player.
If a player is benched during or immediately prior to a game, the manager must notify the parent, if at all possible, and the Division Director immediately upon the conclusion of the game. The Division Director shall gather all information and file a report with the Board to evaluate the circumstances that precipitated the benching. If the Board finds that the circumstances don’t support benching a player, the Board may impose disciplinary action including, but not limited to, a one-game suspension of the manager or more if warranted.
When a player misses more than seven (7) continuous days of participation for an illness or injury, a physician or other accredited medical provider must give written permission to return to full baseball activity.
3.07 Throwing the Bat
When, in the judgment of an umpire, a batter throws a bat in a dangerous manner, that player will be given a warning. The umpire will make the player’s manager aware of the warning. If the behavior continues, the player will be removed from batting for the remainder of the game. However, this player will not be required to sit out an additional game as is usually required when a player is ejected.
4.00 Adult Participation
4.01 Volunteer Support
A child's participation in the league is enhanced if one or more parent or adult sponsor agrees to fulfill some voluntary position necessary to the running of the league. All parents or adult sponsors are required to volunteer in support of the league.
4.02 Snack Bar
The snack bar will not open until the assigned team representatives are present for the applicable time period. The team manager or team parent will be notified if the team representatives are not present to operate the snack bar. If the snack bar is not opened because of such missing representatives, the team may forfeit the game.
4.03 Instruction
Managers, coaches, and adult umpires should collectively encourage the constructive development of players’ sportsmanship, baseball knowledge, and skills and may stop play for instructional purposes when appropriate, keeping in mind the level of play (e.g., rare in Majors, occasionally in Minors, and more frequent in Farm). However, it is the league’s policy that such stoppage of play should not unduly slow play, and that instruction is better suited for practice.
4.04 Adults in the Dugout
Only adults listed on the official team roster may be present in the dugout. If necessary,
a Board member may substitute for a missing manager or coach. No other person shall be allowed in the dugout. At least one (1) adult should be in the dugout at all times.
4.05 Conferring with Umpires
It is a goal of the league and of Little League Baseball to develop sportsmanship and encourage respect for authority in general and for umpires in particular. All managers, coaches, parents, and players are encouraged to read Rules 9.01 through 9.06 of Little League Baseball’s Official Regulations and Playing Rules.
Only the manager may confer with an umpire. A coach may never confer with an umpire or dispute a call. No adult may dispute an umpire’s call from the dugout. The manager may only question an umpire as to a rules interpretation, not a judgment call, and may only do so after time is called and the manager approaches the umpire. Managers and coaches shall refrain from making any statement or sound, or taking any action, which may influence a call (e.g., saying "Nice pitch" before the umpire has called a ball or strike; a base coach signaling "Safe" before the umpire has made a call; etc.). No manager or coach shall be demonstrative towards an umpire (with the exception of a purely positive interaction). Any violation of these policies shall result in ejection. When a manager, coach, or player is ejected from a game, he or she shall leave the field immediately and take no further part in the game. The ejected person may not sit in the stands and may not be recalled. Any manager, coach, or player ejected from a game is suspended for his or her team’s next physically played game.
No adult shall raise his or her voice with a youth umpire or pressure a youth umpire to make a particular call. Adults must remember at all times that youth umpires are learning and that mistakes may occur. To ensure youth umpires are treated fairly if a manager wants to question an interpretation of a rule, he or she must first call time out and discuss the matter with the opposing manager prior to approaching an umpire. The attempted correction must be done in a positive and educational manner, and only with the aim of getting the call correct (as opposed to in a particular team’s favor).
Managers and coaches shall not allow their players or parents to question an umpire. Managers or coaches must not imply to their players a game was won or lost as a result of a single call. Part of teaching sportsmanship is to teach players to respect the umpires and teach them that calls sometimes do not go their way.
4.06 Spectators
Spectators immediately next to or behind the scorekeepers area shall not talk to umpires or players. At the discretion of the duty officer, the area may be cordoned off. In such event, the no spectators other than the duty officer and approved league officers shall be allowed in the area.
Spectators may not question an umpire’s calls or become offensive to the players, managers, or coaches. In the event a spectator violates this prohibition, he or she may be required to leave the facilities. Spectators should not coach from the stands or interact with the players, as this can become distracting to the players.
4.07 Scorekeeper's Booth
The home team shall provide an official scorekeeper for the game to sit in the scorekeeper’s booth behind home plate. He or she will be the official pitch count recorder. If he or she needs assistance in operating the scoreboard or tracking pitches, he or she may ask for an additional helper from either team. The home team and visiting team may provide additional non-official scorekeepers. Cheering or giving instruction to players is not allowed, from anyone, from the scorekeeper’s booth. No one may be in the scorekeeper’s booth without the consent of the duty officer.
4.08 Umpires
A. Each Minors and Majors team shall be responsible for providing an adult umpire for a minimum of two games per season, or a lesser number to be set by the Competition Coordinator and ratified by the Board, in a division outside his or her own. A player may not umpire in a division in which he or she plays or, unless both managers agree, in a game where his or her family member is playing. When at all possible, an adult umpire should not umpire in a division in which he or she manages or coaches, or in a game in which he or she has children playing.
- In the Farm division, the adult operating the pitching machine shall assume the role of umpire. At the discretion of the Competition Coordinator, a child umpire may umpire a Farm division game, at which point he or she shall become the official umpire of the game.
4.09 Duty Officer
In the event the duty officer is involved in managing or coaching a game, he or she may appoint another adult to take on that responsibility while he or she is involved in his or her game. This person should be familiar with the rules and regulations of the league and Little League Baseball, so he or she may handle issues as they arise.
The duty officer may never make a judgment on a game in which he or she is directly involved and must find a substitute adult on the Board to handle the duties for this issue.
5.00 Playing Rules (Except Pitching)
5.01 Applicability
These regulations shall apply to all divisions, except when otherwise indicated.
Note: Tee Ball has its own set of guidelines, set forth below.
5.02 Base Running
- In the Farm division, after a ball is hit, players may not advance more then two bases in one play. A player may take an extra base (one base) when it is justified by the play. Justification to advance an extra base occurs when the baseball is hit between or beyond an outfielder. Learning to run the bases properly is as important a function of the game as anything. Thus, three base running skills should be taught at this level as appropriate based upon the batted ball: (1) running through first base; (2) running to first base, making a turn towards second base, stopping and returning to first base; and (3) running to first base, making the turn, and continuing to second base. Base stealing is prohibited in the Farm Division.
- In the Minor Division, stealing home is permitted. The runner may take home if an overthrow occurs while he or she is stealing third base or on a passed ball.
In the Major and Minors Divisions, when a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher’s plate and in possession of the ball, base runners shall not leave their bases until the ball has been delivered and has reached the batter.
- If a team needs a pinch base runner due to injury, the runner shall be the player who made the last recorded out for the team.
5.03 Batting (Farm Division)
The batter will be given up to five (5) hittable pitches. If by the fifth (5th) pitch the batter does not put a ball in play, the batter is considered out. If the fifth (5th) pitch is fouled, the batter will be given an additional pitch. Additional foul balls after this point will result in an additional pitch.
If a batted ball hits the pitching machine or operator of the pitching machine, the batter is awarded a single; the ball is declared dead; and all runners advance one base.
The Farm division will utilize level 5 compression balls.
A manager or coach of the defensive team will stand behind the plate and assist in collecting the balls.
Bunting is not allowed in the Farm division.
The Infield Fly Rule is not in effect in the Farm division.
There is no running score or final score in Farm division games.
5.04 Batting Order
In Divisions other than in the Intermediate, Junior and Senior divisions, all players present for a game shall be placed in the batting order. This includes all intra-league playoff games. A late-arriving player shall be placed in the last position in the batting order. Any player from a started game who is not present for a resumed game will be removed from the batting order for the remainder of that game. In the Intermediate, Junior and Senior divisions, a manager may elect, on a game-by-game basis, to have his or her team bat through the order and then can freely substitute so long as the manager abides by the minimum defensive play requirements and pitching restrictions, as well as the established interleague play rules.
5.05 Innings
A half inning ends in the Farm and Minor divisions, irrespective of which inning it is, on the earliest of when (1) a third (3rd) out is made or (2) five (5) runs are scored.
5.06 Minimum Play
- In the Farm and Minor divisions, each player shall participate for at least four defensive innings. In the Major division, each player shall participate for a least three defensive innings. If, for any reason, an available and eligible player does not play in the required number of minimum defensive innings, that player shall be placed in the starting lineup in the next game in which the player is available and eligible to participate. In the Intermediate, Junior, and Senior divisions, minimum play rules shall follow Regulation IV(i) of the most current version of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball.
- Minimum defensive play rules shall be enforced for all teams unless game is considered complete in less than six (6) innings due to darkness, weather, or other reason which prevents a player from attaining such minimum play. In such a case, each player should play in at least one-half (1/2) of the number of defensive innings played in such shortened game.
- Exceptions: The only exceptions to the above shall be because a player (1) has not reported to the manager before the scheduled start of the game; (2) is not in complete uniform; (3) is ill or injured; or (4) is benched for non-attendance or a disciplinary reason and the manager has complied with Rule 3.06, above, and has informed the opposing manager of such fact before the start of the game.
5.07 Minimum Number of Players
As to the Major division:
No game may begin unless there are at least nine (9) eligible players present for each team. No game, once begun, may continue unless there are at least nine (9) eligible players present for each team. If a team does not have at least nine (9) eligible players to begin or continue a game, this shall not be grounds for automatic forfeiture, but shall be referred to the Board of Directors for a decision. If neither team has nine (9) eligible players to begin or continue a game, each team will incur a loss, unless the managers agree to reschedule the game. If the league is unable to reschedule the game, each team will incur a loss. A player provided from a Player Pool is deemed an eligible player in connection with this rule
As to the Minor division:
No game may begin unless there are at least eight (8) eligible players present for each team. No game, once begun, may continue unless there are at least eight (8) eligible players present for each team. If a team does not have at least eight (8) eligible players to begin or continue a game, this shall not be grounds for automatic forfeiture, but shall be referred to the Board of Directors for a decision. If neither team has eight (8) eligible players to begin or continue a game, each team will incur a loss, unless the managers agree to reschedule the game. If the league is unable to reschedule the game, each team will incur a loss. A player provided from a Player Pool is deemed an eligible player in connection with this rule.
There is no minimum number of players required to play a game in the Farm division.
5.08 Time Limits
All games shall begin promptly at the time indicated on the schedule. It is the responsibility of each team’s manager to ensure this happens, even if it means there is no pre-game infield or outfield practice. If a game begins late, for any reason, no additional time shall be allotted to the game.
Managers of games that run longer than two (2) hours and have a game scheduled immediately afterwards must assist in getting the next game started timely by vacating the field and dugout promptly.
The following time limits apply to the Tee Ball, Farm, Minor, and Major divisions (Intermediate, Junior, and Senior division time limits are determined by interleague rules):
Weekday Games
No inning may start twenty (20) minutes or less before the sunset time posted in the snack bar. No pitch may be thrown after sunset as posted in the snack bar. In the event a game is suspended due to sunset, the game shall continue at the next practicable date, from the point where it was suspended, to the completion of the inning when it was suspended only, at which time the game will be deemed completed. All pitch counts in effect shall be carried over to the continuation of the game. The result of a game shall not be determined by reverting to the score of the game in the inning completed before the game was suspended.
Saturday and Sunday Games
For the last game of the day, the limit described above for weekday games shall apply. For any game followed by another game that day, the following time limits shall apply:
No inning may start thirty (30) minutes or less before the next scheduled start time. Once an inning has been started, it must be completed.
No home half of an inning team may start twenty (20) minutes or less before the next scheduled start time if the home team has the lead or is losing by more runs than the inning run-limit allows.
In the event a game is suspended due to sunset, the rules applying to weekday games, above, shall apply.
Darkness or Inclement Conditions
In all divisions, the umpire or duty office may terminate play at any time sooner than the above time limits when it appears that darkness or other inclement conditions make further play hazardous.
5.09 Third Strike in Major Division
Games in the Major division shall be played under the provisions of Rule 6.05(b)(1) and (2) of the latest Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball as directed to "Little League (Majors)/ Intermediate /Junior/Senior/Big League" (i.e., a batter shall be out when a third strike is legally caught by the catcher or a third strike is not legally caught by the catcher when first base is occupied before two are out).
6.00 Pitching Rules
6.01 Farm Division
The Farm division will use a pitching machine. The player who occupies the pitcher’s position must stand even with the pitcher’s plate, with one foot on the dirt portion of the mound, until the ball is hit. The pitching machine shall be operated by a coach or manager from the offensive team. The pitching machine shall be placed on the top of the pitcher’s mound. The pitching speed and pitching angle shall be uniform for all batters and determined by the Division director.
6.02 Minor, Major, Intermediate, Junior and Senior Divisions
Pitching in the league shall be governed by Regulation VI, "Pitchers," of the most current version of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball.
Pitchers league age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:
If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.
If a player pitches 51 – 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
If a player pitches 36 – 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
If a player pitches 21 – 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.
If a player pitches 1 – 20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar days of rest must be observed.
Note: It is the manager’s responsibility to know the rules regarding pitchers; know the league age of each player who pitches; and adhere to the maximum pitch count and pitcher rest requirements as to each pitcher.
7.00 Tee Ball Rules
Teams are formed by the division director with input from the coaches based upon their knowledge of the players. The division director will make his or her best attempt to place friends on the same team to ensure an enjoyable experience, though it is possible that not all requests can be honored.
In play, the offensive team may have a manager or coach (for this discussion, collectively "a coach") at the plate, on the mound pitching, or both, as well as up to two base coaches, so long as one coach remains in the dugout.
The defensive team may have up to three coaches in the field.
Level 1 compression balls will be used.
No player other than the player at bat may hold a bat in his or her hands.
There is no minimum number of players required to play a game.
On offense, each player will bat each inning. Coaches should insure the last batter is changed on an inning-by-inning or game-by-game basis, so that each player will get a chance to bat last in an inning.
On defense, each player will take the field each inning, even if that means placing more than nine (9) players on defense.
Games will consist of three innings. If time allows and coaches agree, a fourth inning may be played.
No score will be kept.
The offensive coach in charge of the batter has the discretion to call a ball fair even if it may not be fair by traditional baseball rules.
No player will strike out.
Runners will advance one base per at bat. The final batter of each half inning will be allowed to run all the bases.
Though the players will be encouraged to make defensive outs, no official outs will be recorded, and no runner will be required to leave the bases.
Prior to the game, coaches will determine if, and to what extent, they will utilize "coach pitch" during the game. The teams playing need not use the same level of "coach pitch" in the game. It is the league’s hope that by the half-way point of the season, each team will use primarily "coach pitch."
When "coach pitch" is used, the coach will stand an appropriate distance away and give the batter up to three (3) hittable pitches. If the batter does not hit one of these pitches, the tee will then be used. If a final thrown pitch is fouled off, the batter receives an additional pitch. To encourage players’ success, in the final inning, if time allows, the batters may receive up to an additional three (3) pitches before the tee is required. Coaches are encouraged to keep in mind a balance between the frustration of missing pitches versus the joy of hitting one (i.e., there is such a thing as too many pitches), as well as the fielders’ attention spans.
8.00 Scheduling
8.01 A "suspended game" is one stopped due to sunset or weather or which ended in a tie. Games suspended due to sunset shall be governed by the rules regarding weekday games, at section 5.08, above. Games suspended due to weather or which end in a tie, including issues regarding pitching availability, shall be governed by the most recent version of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball.
8.02 A game is "rained out" if it does not begin, is not played, or is cancelled because of rain or unsafe field conditions.
In the event a game in the Minor or Major divisions is rained out, every attempt will be made to make up that game. To ensure this happens, the managers for games rained out must notify the league Vice President or division director immediately.
8.03 A "rescheduled game" is a game where conditions allow the game to be played but other circumstances cause the managers to elect not to play the game.
Due to limited field availability, the league discourages managers from rescheduling games. In the event a game is to be rescheduled, the following procedures are to be followed:
Once a manager realizes he or she needs to reschedule a game, he or she shall contact the manager of the other team. This can occur immediately prior to the start of a game if it appears a team has fewer than number of players required to start the game players.
Note: Managers in the Major and Minor divisions are encouraged to use the Player Pool to be certain they have enough players to start and continue games. Failure to do so will be an important factor the Board of Directors considers in determining whether a game is forfeited (see Local Rules 1.06 and 5.07, above).
Consistent with good sportsmanship, the manager receiving the request is encouraged to reschedule but is under no obligation to do so.
The manager requesting a game be rescheduled must immediately notify the division director and league Vice President that he or she has requested the game be rescheduled.
By agreeing to reschedule the game, both teams agree to the make-up time and date given by the league. The make-up time and date given by the league are then the time and date of the game, just as if this time and date had been regularly scheduled.
In the event the league cannot reschedule a game, the Board of Directors will determine how the game will be resolved.
8.04 Make-Up Games and Continuation of Games
Games in the Farm and Tee Ball divisions will not be made up.
All games must be made up by the last date of the season as shown on the league’s schedule, or they will not be made up.
Make-up games will be scheduled for (1) Sundays at 5pm; or (2) throughout the day on Fan Appreciation Day; or (3) one (1) or two (2) dedicated days prior to the season’s end, and such other times, if any, which the league determines to be practicable.
Managers of teams will be given at least three (3) days’ notice of the date and time of a make-up game.
Make-up games will be scheduled by the league and applicable division director in the order they were rained out.
Once a make-up game is scheduled, it will be treated as if it were any other regularly-scheduled game.
The make-up of rainout games will take priority over the make-up of other rescheduled games. The time and dates of make-up games are at the discretion of the league. Make-ups for the Intermediate, Junior and Senior divisions shall be in accordance with applicable interleague guidelines.
- Minors Division.
All Minor Division teams qualify for Arden-only Minor Division Post-Season Tournament (Minor Division Tournament). The Minor Division Tournament Division Tournament will be a single elimination tournament. The winner of the Minors Division Tournament will be the Minors Division Champion for Arden Little League.
All Minor Division teams will be seeded for purposes of populating the tournament schedule based on overall record (most wins versus least losses). In the case of a tie among two or more teams for the tournament seeding, the tie-breaker criteria in Article 9(F) will be used.
If there is a District 5 Tournament, the winner of the Arden Little League Minors Division regular season (best regular season record) shall be the number 1 seed in the District 5 Tournament. If there is a tie in the regular season record between two or more teams, then the tie-breaking rules in Article 9(F) shall be used to determine the regular season winner.
If the Champion of the Minors Division Tournament is not the regular season winner, the Champion of the Minors Division Tournament shall be the number 2 seed in the District 5 Tournament. If the Champion of the Minors Division Tournament is the regular season winner, then the runner-up in the Minors Division Tournament shall be the number 2 seed in the District 5 Tournament.
If there is an opportunity for another team to play in the District 5 Tournament beyond two teams advancing from the Minors Division, the following criteria will determine the additional team. If the winner of the regular season does not play in the Minors Division Tournament championship game, then the runner up in the Minors Division Tournament shall be the third team to advance to the District 5 Tournament. If the Minors Division regular season winner plays in the Minors Division Tournament championship game, then the two teams that played and lost the semi-final games in the Minors Division Tournament shall play a game to establish the third team.
- Majors Division
All Major Division teams qualify for Arden-only Major Division Post-Season Tournament (Majors Division Tournament). The Majors Division Tournament will be a single elimination tournament. The winner of the Majors Division Tournament will be the Majors Division Champion for Arden Little League.
All Major Division teams will be seeded for purposes of populating the tournament schedule based on overall record (most wins versus least losses). In the case of a tie among two or more teams for the tournament seeding, the tie-breaker criteria in Article 9(F) will be used.
If there is a District 5 Tournament, the winner of the Arden Little League Majors Division regular season (best regular season record) shall be the number 1 seed in the District 5 Tournament. If there is a tie in the regular season record between two or more teams, then the tie-breaking rules in Article 9(F) shall be used to determine the regular season winner.
If the Champion of the Majors Division Tournament is not the regular season winner, the Champion of the Majors Division Tournament shall be the number 2 seed in the District 5 Tournament. If the Champion of the Majors Division Tournament is the regular season winner, then the runner-up in the Majors Division Tournament shall be the number 2 seed in the District 5 Tournament.
If there is an opportunity for another team to play in the District 5 Tournament beyond two teams advancing from the Majors Division, the following criteria will determine the additional team. If the winner of the regular season does not play in the Majors Division Tournament championship game, then the runner up in the Majors Division Tournament shall be the third team to advance to the District 5 Tournament. If the Majors Division regular season winner plays in the Majors Division Tournament championship game, then the two teams that played and lost the semi-final games in the Majors Division Tournament shall play a game to establish the third team.
- Juniors Division
The Juniors Division Champion shall be the team with the best overall record during the regular season. If two teams have identical records at the end of the regular season, a championship playoff game shall be played. If there is a District 5 TOC for the Juniors Division, the Juniors Division Champion shall play in the District 5 TOC.
- Intermediate Division
The Intermediate Division Champion shall be the team with the best overall record during the regular season. If two teams have identical records at the end of the regular season, a championship playoff game shall be played. If there is a District 5 TOC for the Intermediate Division, the Intermediate Division Champion shall play in the District 5 TOC.
- Pool Players
Pool players will not be allowed to be used in any Division within the Arden Post-Season Tournament unless approved through the unanimous concurrence of the Player Agent, President and Vice President.
- Tie Breaker
In the case of a tie among two or more teams for the tournament seeding for any Arden Little League Division, the following tie-breaker criteria will be employed:
- For ties between two teams:
- Head to head competition involving contests played within the league schedule.
- Run differential between the two teams involved
- For ties between three teams or when the tie-breaking criteria between two teams does not provide a tie-breaking result:
- Fewest runs allowed throughout the entire season
- Greatest number of wins within the tie
- Greatest number of wins above the tie
- Greatest number of wins versus the highest-placed team above the tie
- If a tie still exists, then there will be a coin flip conducted by the League President in the presence of representatives from the teams involved in the tie under the following coin toss protocol:
- In the case of a tie between only two teams the President will flip the coin. The President will ask a team representative from one team (of the President’s choosing) to select “heads” or “tails” after showing the selected team representatives the coin and identifying which side is “heads” and which side is “tails.” The winner of the coin toss will be the higher seeded team.
- In the case of a tie between three or more teams, the League President and a team representative from each team will have a coin. The President will first toss his coin to establish a head or tail. Following that coin toss, each team representative will simultaneously toss a coin. Any team’s whose coin toss matches the toss of the President will be considered the winner(s) of the coin toss. If there are additional seeding spots to be filled, the remaining teams will continue to toss coins to match the original toss of the President until all seeding spots have been filled.
10.00 All-Stars
10.01 All Stars Manager Selection
This is to determine the selection process by which the Minors, Majors 11U and Majors 12U All Stars Managers are selected:
- The division directors, just prior to the end of the season should contact each manager, (preferably by email) to determine their interest in managing the All Star team. The email should clearly state the time commitment expected and confirm availability during the entire All Star timeframe. The email should ask if the manager is willing to manage the team without a child on the team as well.
- Once returned to the division director, this would provide the list of candidates. From this list the competition/rules committee should look at each managers qualifications, team performance, good standing within the league, and then make a recommendation to the board.
- The board should consider but not be bound to this recommendation and a vote be conducted among the qualified candidates gathered from the survey of the managers by the division director.
10.02 All Star Player Selection Process
The method for selecting the league’s All-Star teams in all divisions will be largely the same as the method recommended in the most recent version of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball.
- This method shall be as follows:
8- to 10- Year-Old All-Star Team
Any Minors division player including a “play up player” aged 8-10 is eligible for tournament selection. Additionally, a 10 year old player that plays up into the Majors division during the regular season is eligible for selection to the Minors tournament season. The player must meet all Little League International eligibility criteria. Selection will be made following the league's normal selection process.
The league Player Agent or President, or both, will distribute ballots to the managers and official coaches (maximum of 3 votes per team) in the Minors division in a manner otherwise consistent with the procedures set forth above.
Each manager, or coach voting shall cast votes for the entire number of roster spots on the team, or such person's ballot shall be disregarded. In addition, should a manager/coach vote for more than five (5) players on his or her team, that coaches ballot shall be disregarded.
In an effort to maintain a balanced and representative All-Star team, the managers/coaches votes will determine the top 10 players as determined by the votes received, and the Manager selected by the Board to manage the All-Star Team will select the final two players. The Board of Directors must approve the players selected by the Manager.
10- to 11-Year-Old All-Star Team
The league Player Agent or President, or both, will distribute ballots to the managers and official coaches (maximum of 3 votes per team) in the Majors division. Each manager or coach voting shall cast votes for the entire number of roster spots on the team, or such person’s ballot shall be disregarded. In addition, should a manager or coach vote for more than five (5) players on his or her team, that voter's ballot shall be disregarded.
The league Player Agent or President, or both, will retrieve completed ballots from all of the voters. The league Player Agent, President, and Vice President (or a designate or designates named by the President, if necessary, so this group is comprised of three persons) will together read and count the names from each of the ballots. Players in the order of votes received will become eligible for the All-Star team, and the Player Agent or President shall present the names of the selected players at a Board meeting. The Player Agent or President shall maintain the ballots, and the results of the vote, until All-Star play for the season is completed.
In an effort to maintain a balanced and representative All-Star team, the manager/coaches will vote to determine the top 10 players as determined by votes received, and the Manager selected by the Board to manager the All-Star Team will select the final two players. The Board of Directors must approve the players selected by the Manager.
10- to 12-Year-Old All-Star Team
The league Player Agent or President, or both, will distribute ballots to the managers and official coaches (maximum of 3 votes per team) in the Majors division. Each manager or coach voting shall cast votes for the entire number of roster spots on the team, or such person’s ballot shall be disregarded. In addition, should a manager or coach vote for more than five (5) players on his or her team, that voter's ballot shall be disregarded.
The league Player Agent or President, or both, will retrieve completed ballots from all of the voters. The league Player Agent, President, and Vice President (or a designate or designates named by the President, if necessary, so this group is comprised of three persons) will together read and count the names from each of the ballots. Players in the order of votes received will become eligible for the All-Star team, and the Player Agent or President shall present the names of the selected players at a Board meeting. The Player Agent or President shall maintain the ballots, and the results of the vote, until All-Star play for the season is completed.
In an effort to maintain a balanced and representative All-Star team, the manager/coaches will vote to determine the top 10 players as determined by votes received, and the Manager selected by the Board to manager the All-Star Team will select the final two players. The Board of Directors must approve the players selected by the Manager.
Any Majors division player including a “play up player” aged 10-12 is eligible for tournament selection. Additionally, a 12 year old player that plays up into the 50/70 division during the regular season is eligible for selection to the Majors tournament season. The player must meet all Little League International eligibility criteria. Selection will be made following the league’s normal selection process except that for all players either playing up or playing down into the Majors tournament season, selection will be made by the team manager selection only.
Intermediate and Juniors All-Star Team
For these teams (one in each Division), each player shall vote for five (5) players from his or her own team (and no others). The top ten (10) vote-getters are automatically on the team. A committee comprised of the managers in the Intermediate and Juniors division will then meet and select the remaining two players to fill out the team’s roster. In the event of an impasse in that committee’s selection efforts, the committee will be expanded to include the Intermediate/Junior Division Director and President to finish the selection process.
Each player shall vote for five (5) players, or his or her ballot shall be disregarded.
Except as set forth herein or reasonably necessary to implement the above rules specific to the Intermediate and Juniors All-Star teams, the procedures for selection of the Intermediate and Juniors All-Star team shall be consistent with those set forth above in connection with the 10- to 12-Year-Old All-Star team
- Where more than one player has an equal number of votes to qualify for the last position or positions on the team, the league Player Agent or President, or both, will distribute ballots to the above groups comprised of (1) team managers and (2) team coaches, which groups shall vote from among these players to select players for the final positions on the team. Each manager or coach voting will submit his or her ballot to the league Player Agent or President or a designate. Each coach or manager voting shall cast votes for the entire number of roster spots still open, or such person’s ballot shall be disregarded. The league Player Agent, President, and Vice President (or a designate or designates named by the President, if necessary, so this group is comprised of three persons), shall read and count all the votes received, and the player or players in the order of votes received shall become eligible to fill the remaining team roster spots. The Player Agent or President shall maintain these ballots, and the results of this vote, until All-Star play for the season is completed.
Board members and all others shall keep the results of voting confidential until the league officially announces the team.
10.03 All Star Composition
In the Minors, Majors, Intermediate, and Juniors divisions, each All-Star team will be comprised of 12 players. In the Seniors division, the team will be comprised of up to sixteen (16) players. In the Big League division, the team will be comprised of up to seventeen (17) players.
The Board will select the managers and coaches of the various All-Star teams. The league president and player agent may be eligible for selection by the local league Board of Directors to coach or manage with written approval from their respective District Administrator.
- As to the 8-10, 10- to 11-Year Old All-Star team and 10- to 12-Year-Old All-Star team, if a player informs his or her manager that he or she is unable to play, he or she shall be replaced by the player not yet on the team who received the highest number of votes (with such procedure used until a replacement player is found). As to the Intermediate and Juniors All-Star team, if a player informs his or her manager that he or she is unable to play, he or she shall be replaced by a player selected by the managers of the Intermediate or Juniors division or, in the event the managers are unable to make this selection, by the Board.
- When the All-Star Tournament requires the presence of 12 players to qualify for game play, the Board shall approve a player pool from which the Manager may select temporary replacement players (alternates) to meet the 12-player game requirement. The player pool of alternates will be comprised of the next five (5) players who received the highest number of votes (with such procedure used until a replacement player is found). The player(s) selected from the player pool may practice with the team but only plays for the team in the game(s) needed to meet the 12-player minimum requirement.
The league encourages adults and players to review the "Tournament Rules and Guidelines" of Little League Baseball, as well as "Selection of Tournament Teams" at Chapter 5 of Little League Baseball’s A Year in the Life of Hometown Little League (available on the website of Little League Baseball).
December 2023
Updated: 5/4/2024